Das Wetter war nicht ganz so toll (kein Regen, aber bewölkt und recht kalt) und so war der erste Eindruck von York nicht ganz so eindruck-svoll, wie ich es mir vorgestellt hatte:
On October 9, I went to York with some other Foreign Language Assistants from Leeds and the surrounding areas. There’s a committee at Uni Leeds which organised the trip for us. We (20-30 people from Austria, Spain, France and Germany) met at the station in York at about 10 o’clock. The weather was not so nice (cloudy and rather cold), so the first impressions of York were not that impressive like I imagined them to be:
[you can click on the pictures to get a better view]
Da unsere Stadtführung erst am Nachmittag stattfinden sollte, entschieden sich viele, ins Museum zu gehen. Manche bevorzugten das Railway Museum (free entry), der große Teil der Gruppe machte sich aber auf zum Castle Museum, welches die Kultur und das Leben in England über die Jahrhunderte hinweg dokumentiert.
As we were told that a tour around the city was planned for the early afternoon, we decided to go to a museum first. Some decided to go to the Railway Museum (free entry), but most of us went to the famous York Castle Museum, which presents English history, culture and life throughout the centuries.
The Castle Museum was not free (like many other English museums), but you only have to pay once and afterwards you can visit the museum again for free! And, to be honest, one visit is definitely not enough to get through the whole exhibition. In the end I was more or less tired of reading and headed to the exit…
Nach circa 2,5 Stunden (aber gefühlten 4 Stunden Museum) sind wir dann ins Zentrum von York gegangen um etwas zu essen. Ich habe mir mal wieder eine Pasty ausgesucht – ich liebe diese gefüllten Blätterteig-Dinger 😉
After about 2 hours in Castle Museum (which actually felt like 4 hours), we went to the city centre in order to eat something. I chose some pasty (my favourite ‚fast food‘ at the moment).
Schließlich haben wir uns vor der Art Gallery getroffen, um an der Stadtführung teilzunehmen.
Finally we went to the Art Gallery as it was the meeting point for our guided tour through York.
Die Stadtführung war erfreulicherweise auch umsonst, aber auch nicht soooo sonderlich spannend. Der betagte Herr konnte zwar viel über die Geschichte von York erzählen, aber leider tat er das ziemlich leise und in einem monotonen Ton. Naja, zumindest habe ich dadurch ganz schön viel von York gesehen. Auf dem York Minster war ich noch nicht, ich werde bestimmt bei sonnigem Wetter nochmal wieder kommen und mir die Stadt genauer anschauen!
The guided tour was free, but it was actually not so exciting. Our elderly city guide definitely knew a lot about the city, but unfortunately he spoke a bit monotonously and too quietly. But, anyway, now I know at least some of the very famous buildings in York and got an impression of the city. I haven’t been up on the Minster yet, so I think I’ll come back sometime in the future when it will be a bit sunnier!