My last week was terrible. I had a presentation at university (well, actually, the presentation was good) but because of it my whole time schedule was in disorder and I nearly had no time to relax. This is why nice things (like blogging ;-)) totally fell away…Furthermore, there are two applications which I must hand in in a couple of days and I haven’t collected all forms yet =(. Life’s so busy again and I dunno what to do against it. I really wish it was December already.
Nevertheless, I’m going to visit your latest posts now! =)
2 Kommentare
Was für ein wunderschöner Falter! Ich glaub, der will raus… machmal möchte man einfach nur raus… DURCHHALTEN 😉
wow, ein tolles bild!
ich hab bisher nur das standardobjektiv von der d40 und mache alle meine fotos damit.