[originally posted on my old blog on 30.12.2008]
A friend of mine (who also got a blog here) told me about the What’s in a name? – Reading Challenge and today I decided to sign in. So here is my potential list:
(Note: I haven’t decided yet whether I am going to read the books in English or German…so I give you the titles in both languages.)
1. A book with a „profession“ in its title.
Heinrich Böll: Ansichten eines Clowns / The Clown
2. A book with a „time of day“ in its title.
Italo Calvino: Wenn ein Reisender in einer Winternacht / If on a winter’s night a traveler
3. A book with a „relative“ in its title.
Marianne Fredriksson: Hannas Töchter / Hanna’s Daughters
4. A book with a „body part“ in its title.
Jodi Picoult: Change of Heart
5. A book with a „building“ in its title.
Isabel Allende: Das Geisterhaus / The House of the Spirits
6. A book with a „medical condition“ in its title.
Albert Camus: Die Pest / The Plague
…Happy Reading!